Friday, October 10, 2014

Tracking Math Facts

Basic facts are essential to proficient math skills.  We like to give our students mad minute type fact sheets and we track their progress on a bulletin board. We use lots of different ways to keep it fun!  One of my favorites is the idea of using a speedometer to track how many facts the students can complete in a given time.  As the students become more proficient they simply move the needle on their speedometer.  Add a catchy title and you are all set! 
Get the template here!
Or how about this one that lets students color in the popcorn kernels as they master their addition facts?  It is very engaging and motivating for the students!

Writer's Checklist

We spend 30 minutes every day in "Writing Workshop".  During this time we give the students a prompt to write about and then hold writing conferences with each individual student.  After the first few weeks of school I felt like a broken record.  So, we decided to create a checklist so that the students could self monitor when writing and before coming to us for writer's conferences.  Check out the template here!